Common utils I have in my TypeScript projects
Over the years I found some things I like having in almost all of my TypeScript projects and I would like to share them here
/* */
import { sprintf } from "@std/fmt/printf";
export module fmt {
export function Sprintf(pattern: string, ...args: unknown[]): string {
return sprintf(pattern, ...args);
export function Errorf(pattern: string, ...args: unknown[]): Error {
return new Error(Sprintf(pattern, args));
String interpolation is a very powerful feature. However, I sometimes find it too difficult to read.
Imagine formatting a year range like yyyy - yyyy
. When accessing those year values from some objects it can become a
nightmare like
const yearRange = `${vehicle.yearFrom.year} - ${vehicle.yearTo.year}`
There are so many characters in this interpolation so I start missing the pattern. Compare it to
const yearRange = fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", vehicle.yearFrom.year, vehicle.yearTo.year);
I immediately see the pattern and then the values applied.
import { ZodSchema, z } from "zod";
* Enforce runtime type check
export function fn<
Arg1 extends ZodSchema,
Callback extends (arg1: z.output<Arg1>) => any,
>(arg1: Arg1, cb: Callback) {
const result = function(input: z.input<typeof arg1>): ReturnType<Callback> {
const parsed = arg1.parse(input);
return cb.apply(cb, [parsed as any]);
result.schema = arg1;
return result;
export const LoadCommand = fn(z.object({
logger: z.custom<Logger>(),
db: z.custom<BunSQLiteDatabase<any>>(),
kv: z.custom<KV>(),
}), async (input) => {
const { kv, db, logger } = input;
/* ... */
This is something I took from Not only do you have the TypeScript linting for the types, but also the actual type validation in runtime.
/* */
import { ulid } from "@std/ulid";
import { fmt } from "./fmt.ts";
const prefixes = {
vehicle: "vhc",
engine: "eng",
} as const;
export function createId(prefix: keyof typeof prefixes): string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prefixes[prefix], ulid());
Heavily inspired by Stripe and an article from Unkey. This allows for creating branded sortable IDs that really improve the navigation and debugging when it comes to data
const vehicle = {
id: createId("vehicle") // vhc_01JCGQD6T5YKEJFS5XHBP5G0A2
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks";
import { err, ok, Result } from "neverthrow";
class ErrContextUnavailable extends Error {
constructor() {
super("Requested local storage context is unavailable");
this.message = "ErrContextUnavailable";
export function createContext<T>() {
const storage = new AsyncLocalStorage<T>();
return {
use(): Result<T, ErrContextUnavailable> {
const result = storage.getStore();
if (result) {
return ok(result);
} else {
return err(new ErrContextUnavailable());
/** @throws {ErrContextUnavailable} */
mustUse(): T {
const result = this.use();
if (result.isErr()) {
throw result._unsafeUnwrapErr();
} else {
return result._unsafeUnwrap();
with<R>(value: T, fn: () => R) {
return<R>(value, fn);
For more details see my article about Context. Also heavily inspired by
DB Schema with Drizzle
import { sqliteTable, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
const ULID_SIZE = 24;
export const PREFIX_SIZE = 10;
export const brandedID = (name: string) => text(name, { length: ULID_SIZE + PREFIX_SIZE });
export const id = {
get id() {
return brandedID("id").primaryKey().notNull();
export const timestamps = {
get createTime() {
return text("create_time").notNull().$defaultFn(() => new Date().toISOString());
get updateTime() {
return text("update_time").notNull().$defaultFn(() => new Date().toISOString()).$onUpdateFn(() => new Date().toISOString());
export const vehiclesTable = sqliteTable("vehicles", {,
name: text("name").notNull(),
Usage of the branded ID and timestamp naming convention